About me

Front-end developer from Mariupol, Ukraine

I have always been fascinated by languages, by the power of words, of books and speeches. One day I realised that the programming languages are similar to those we are using every day. They are essential for the communication - here with machines, - they have rules, syntax... And they are the amazing tools for creating marvellous things which surround us in our ordinary life. And with programming it's possible to create one of them. That's how my journey had begun.

Learn more about my projects!

Weather App

This Weather app built with HTML, CSS, JS and the Weather API is a great tool for getting prepared for the outdoors activities all over the world!
Also it shows the current location weather.


CV Page

A good CV is essential for finding a job, and the CV web page built with HTML and CSS will definitely be outstanding among the resumes of the other candidates!

Info Page

This is a web age which can give a full information about any person, thing, project you like. It is built with HTML and CSS.


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